Die Korfmann Lufttechnik GmbH verabschiedet zum 1. Oktober 2020 ihren langjährigen Geschäftsführer Jürgen Fritsch. Wir wünschen ihm für seine Rente alles Gute, vor allen Dingen Gesundheit & Zufriedenheit.
Neuer Geschäftsführer ab dem 01. Oktober 2021 wird Knut Jansen (Bild unten).
Wir freuen uns auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit!
Korfmann Lufttechnik GmbH
Hörder Str. 286, DE-58454 Witten
+49 2302 1702-0
+49 2302 1702-153
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English Version of our Website ist coming soon …
What we do
Customer oriented and innovative solutions for the health of your employees
Ventilating and Exhausting Systems for:
Mining of any kind
Tunnel Construction
Road Construction
Underground Irrigation and Cavern Systems
Special Construction
Breathe the Difference
Our highly qualified expert team of engineers will not only continue to the longstanding tradition of the KORFMANN quality and performance in the field of ventilation for mining and tunneling, underground systems of any kind and industrial sectors, but also increase it to the advantage of your company.
Due to our high affinity for technology, we find the perfect solution for your requirements – no matter in which area. The innovative spirit of our engineers helps us to continuously develop our products and offer you solutions and products also related to industry 4.0.
You can be absolutely certain to have Korfmann Lufttechnik GmbH as a reliable partner at your side. We look forward to convincing you of our efficiency and ability to supply the best product for your future projects.